For 10 cookies
You will need:
200g butter
300g caster sugar
1 large egg
174g self raising flour
75g of cocoa power
I then used a large bar of dairy milk
Large bar of milky bar white chocolate
Large bar of the dairy milk with daim in (yum)
Unfortunately some of this chocolate got 'lost' in transit from the shop to the kitchen... I didn't eat it.
Then assist your helper with mixing the room temperature butter and sugar together until a smooth consistency.
Then you want to add your egg and mix thoroughly. Then pop in all the rest of your dry ingredients. If your chocolatey mix is a little dry then add a drop of milk.
Break up all the remaining chocolate that hasn't got 'lost' on the on way, add to mixture and stir in.
You're then ready to roll them into a balls (if want white walls and furnishings to remain white I suggest the little helper is closely supervised 😫)