I think the hardest part of it is trying to fill the time, keep them occupied whilst still keeping hold of some of your hard earned cash. Oh and keeping hold of your sanity..
Easter is great for making craft and I found loads of inspiration on Pinterest and blogs. We made cute little bunny ears and masks, I love engaging with Tizzy and knowing that we are doing something she loves. She's currently obsessed with using sissors so she relished in using the big girl ones, which are like forbidden fruit, oh to be five again!
We also spend some time with my loan pony, I can't quite figure out whether she helps or hinders with the mucking out! She loves to go for a little ride though.
Anyway! That's us for now, back to the grind today, school run and catching up on the two weeks of things that haven't been done around the house!
Well done for surviving the holidays too!
Jo xx