If I'm being honest starting my own business was not something I had really imagined doing with my life. Don't get me wrong I had always thought that it would be nice to do something of my own, but like many people I didn't know what that something was, or any idea where to start looking for the damn thing!!
Then in February of this year I held a birthday party for Tizzy, and no lie, I ran around like a headless chicken trying to organise it, food, decorations, entertainment, venue, guests (the list goes on). Do you HAVE to invite the whole class? Who are those children i've never heard of but Tizzy is now insisting come to the party!? I was HARD work! Not because the experience of doing it was difficult or unpleasant, it was really fun! But I had a job, part time horse, full time child and a life of my own (not really) to contend with as well.
Anyway, after the whole thing was over and I had recovered I started doing some research about doing this kind of thing as a business, and discovered a few similar but not quite the same things around, loads in Australia, America, London and the bigger county's but nothing in my area. And ping! There's the idea, the gap in the market, hopefully! If i could have paid someone to do it for me at a reasonable price, I would have, so hopefully others will too.
So, thats where it came from if anyone wondering how the hell you get from accountancy, my previous job, to this. Like Richard Branson says "if someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn to do it later". Which is exactly what I have done, only the opportunity offered me! Luckily I have experience with catering and I LOVE food... that counts, right?! Not to mention the 1046483753 children's parties I have been too in my 5 years of motherhood! Giving your child a great party is so rewarding and a memory you and your little on can keep forever, and I'm so excited to be part of that. This is also a great outlet for creativity, something I didn't have in my previous role.
Now, this might not work out, i'm aware of that, but if I don't give it a go, I will never know, you have to take a leap of faith sometimes! I can't remember a time since February where my mind wasn't constantly ticking over thinking of ideas and to do lists, but I love having something to focus on. The most challenging part so far has been building the website, that one's a real patience tester. FYI i have no patience at all for web design, and i've never done it before but my budget hasn't really allowed me to pay someone to make it. Have a look how its coming along www.tizzywizzyparty.co.uk .
Another thing I found along the way is that I was SO nervous to share what I was doing with people for fear of being judged, so nervous in fact it took me weeks and weeks of self talk to make the Facebook page live, there is something terrifying about telling people who know you, I kept thinking, what will people think if I fail? You know what, who cares? It was a big a step to overcome that mentality and with the help of a few TED talks on YouTube and some great friends, I'm getting there!
This is starting to be more of a book than a blog post! So i'll end it there. If you have something you want to do, just go out there and do it, whats the worst that can happen? I might do a post in a few months about managing starting up a business and being a mum and what my experience has been like so far!
Take care
Josephine xxx
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